Founded in 2012 SacredCombat.com was established to provide the lay faithful Catholics with a voice in Church affairs. Sacred Combat allows and encourages the laity of the Church to contribute news articles, events, and even audio/video copies of their favorite homilies to share with other Catholics in response to Vatican II’s call for the “full and active” participation of the laity.

SacredCombat.com gives the Catholic lay faithful a voice and makes it possible for them to keep up with local, national, and worldwide Church events. By reporting news happenings within their local parishes and dioceses that would not otherwise be reported, it offers a forum and a way for them to communicate with both the Universal Church and their local church.

Sacred Combat invites laypeople to voice their ideas, complaints, praises, and thoughts to the authority of the church. The laity’s input on issues, problems, and shortcomings as well as compliments and praise for good, wholesome, positive, and spiritual events will help the hierarchy fulfill their mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sacred Combat pours through more than hundreds news stories every day. After sorting and filtering we post the most relevant ones. On an average day approximately 70 new stories are added to SacredCombat.com over the course of the day. The site is updated several times daily

Contact Us
Please email us at ron@sacredcombat.com