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Today’s Birthday
Hugo Marie de Vries (1848)February 16, 2025
De Vries was a Dutch botanist whose theory of biological mutation and rediscovery of Mendel's laws of heredity made possible the active investigation and universal acceptance of Darwin's theory of evolution. He held that new species are formed chiefly through mutations—sudden, unpredictable, inheritable changes in an individual organism. Teaching at the University of Amsterdam, he introduced the experimental study of evolution. What important evolution-related term did he introduce to science? Discuss
Today’s Holiday
Lithuania Independence DayFebruary 16, 2025
This is a national holiday in Lithuania marking the declaration of independence from Austrian, Prussian, and Russian occupation on February 16, 1918. Today, the anniversary is celebrated with festivals and fireworks, particularly in the capital city of Vilnius. Discuss
Quote of the Day
inabilityFebruary 16, 2025
acalculia - The inability to perform simple arithmetic. More...
impotence, sterility - Impotence is the male's inability to copulate or get an erection; sterility is the inability of either a male or female to procreate. More...
abulia, aboulia - Inability to make decisions is abulia or aboulia. More...
paramnesia - Can mean the inability to recall the meanings of common words. More...
Word of The Day
mensurationFebruary 16, 2025
Article of the Day
The Exorcism of Anneliese MichelFebruary 16, 2025
Michel was a German woman who died in 1976 while undergoing exorcism treatments for demonic possession. She began suffering from seizures and depression when she was 16, the symptoms of which were not eased by conventional medical treatment. Convinced her condition was the result of demonic possession, Michel began a series of hour-long exorcism sessions that lasted nearly a year and ended with her death. Why were her parents and the priests who performed the exorcisms convicted of manslaughter? Discuss
This Day in History
Burning of the USS Philadelphia (1804)February 16, 2025
The USS Philadelphia was a 36-gun frigate that ran aground in October 1803 while blockading the coast of Tripoli. After some consideration, the Americans decided that the ship was too powerful a weapon to remain in enemy hands and sent a party of soldiers to recapture the ship and burn it. In carrying out "the most bold and daring act of the age," the assaulting party used what ruse to sail up to the ship without arousing the suspicion of its Tripolitan guards? Discuss